Medical Negligence Claim For Poor Nursing Home Care

Vulnerable elderly residents of nursing and care homes can often be the victims of negligence. This negligence manifests itself through abuse and neglect. These patients deserve the right standard of care, comfort, medication and nutrition, however they don't always get this. If you wish to claim medical negligence on behalf of a loved one then contact a specialist lawyer to help you.

Whilst the vast majority of nursing homes in the UK are reputable establishments staffed by caring, properly trained employees, cases of neglect and abuse do occur and many cases go unreported for fear of reprisal or punishment.

The purpose of this specialist solicitor is to listen.

If you have recently had to make the difficult decision of placing a loved one in a nursing home then you would have trusted the staff at the nursing home to provide adequate care and protection. Therefore any negligence or abuse is not only a violation of your trust but it is likely you are paying for the service and therefore it has a financial impact.

Perhaps the nursing home is falling below a standard of reasonable care in its treatment and services for its resident's health, safety or welfare, causing injury. In this situation the home could be considered negligent. This is an area which a specialist medical neligence lawyer could deal with and get you damages.

Mistreatment does not have to just consist of physical pain, it can be causing mental suffering, sexual abuse, unreasonable seclusion, intimidation and monetary exploitation. A medical negligence lawyer will understand, listen and advise about the availability of compensation claims.

Suffering abuse in a nursing home can have damaging effects. With diligent family members and residents, possible cases of neglect can be seen and dealt with at the outset. Some of the signs that should alert you to possible neglect or abuse include:

  • unexplained bruises, cuts or burns
  • bedsores
  • changes in behaviour
  • changes in weight
  • poor personal hygiene

It is never easy to see your loved one suffering in the later years of their lives. If you believe that a relative or friend might be being mistreated in a home, then get in touch with a medical negligence lawyer. This highly trained professional will have knowledge in dealing with compensation claims arising from injuries sustained by residents at nursing homes. He or she can go through the procedure for settlement which will help improve the quality of their lives and provide better levels of care in the future.